Cartão forex de banco fretado padrão

Cartão forex de banco fretado padrão
Viaje para os cantos do mundo e descubra a verdadeira alegria de ser um cidadão global.
Viaje para os cantos do mundo e descubra a verdadeira alegria de ser um cidadão global.
Múltiplas moedas, um cartão para viajar seguro e sem preocupações.
• Certifique-se de que sua família esteja coberta, onde quer que vá.
• Um Multicurrency Forex Card é rentável e conveniente.
• Retirar dinheiro no exterior sem marca adicional.
Com mais renda disponível, o custo decrescente de viagens aéreas e pacotes de viagens atraentes, férias no exterior é cada vez mais atraente.
Com a sede de explorar, muitos índios estão interessados ​​em levar sua família para um novo destino - o que é um grande compromisso em planejamento e despesa.
Para aproveitar ao máximo suas férias, aqui estão algumas dicas principais:
1. Evite a necessidade de transportar múltiplas moedas. Um cartão Forex Multicurrency Standard Chartered ajuda você a economizar em cobranças de marca cruzada em operações de débito e cartão de crédito no exterior.
Você pode carregar o cartão com até 20 moedas e simplesmente deslizar para pagar. Instantaneamente disponível e com uma instalação de recarga on-line, ele garante a conveniência.
Bloquear a taxa de câmbio quando você carrega o cartão e fazer retiradas de dinheiro no exterior, sem marca adicional.
2. Digitalize passaportes familiares, cartões de identidade, apólices de seguro de saúde e de viagem e outros documentos importantes, em seguida, envie os PDF para você e um amigo confiável em casa. Se você os perder, você tem todas as informações rapidamente à mão.
3. Não saia de casa sem seguro de viagem. Ele protege sua família contra percalços menores e emergências em grande escala.
O Cartão Standard Forex Multicurrency Standard vem com cobertura de seguro pré-carregada, incluindo proteção contra uso indevido de um cartão perdido ou roubado, seguro de acidentes pessoais e até perda de bagagem ou documentos pessoais.
Além disso, Standard Chartered Premium Banking Clients pode obter o Forex Card de graça!
1. Sempre tenha consciência de segurança. Divida seus cartões e dinheiro e deixe metade no cofre para que você sempre tenha um backup em caso de perda.
2. Seja recompensado pelos gastos no exterior. O cartão de crédito SuperValue Titanium oferece pontos de recompensa de 5X nos gastos de ultramar.
3. Siga os locais. Os restaurantes turísticos nem sempre oferecem a melhor comida - ou os melhores preços. Descubra onde os moradores locais comem por uma experiência muito melhor (e mais barata).
4. Gerencie suas finanças mesmo quando estiver de férias. Inscreva-se para o banco móvel para permitir que suas contas sejam pagas no tempo, mesmo se você estiver a uma distância de uma filial.
Entre em contato hoje para descobrir como podemos ajudar suas finanças a aproveitar ao máximo sua próxima viagem.
Standard Chartered Multicurrency Forex Card.
Apresentando o Banco de Prêmio. Porque você e sua família merecem mais.
Recompensas e promoções exclusivas, preços preferenciais e serviços de um Gerenciador de Relacionamento.

Cartão forex de banco fretado padrão
Você está se candidatando para um.
Cartão de cartão infinito de débito bancário prioritário.
Obtenha aprovação instantânea on-line.
Associação gratuita de Priority Pass.
4 acessos gratuitos do salão do aeroporto por trimestre.
Seguro de viagem gratuito cobre até US $ 200.000.
Renúncia de sobrecarga de combustível.
20% de devolução de dinheiro na Uber gasta com o mínimo de cartões de crédito de US $ 15.000 *.Para detalhes da oferta e T & Cs, clique aqui.
* INR 15,000 / - gasta qualificador são todos os gastos mensais no cartão. Não se limita a Uber gasta apenas.
Aproveite 20% de reembolso * nos passeios de Uber. Economize até Rs 7.200 anualmente com esta oferta exclusiva! Para detalhes da oferta e T & Cs, clique aqui.
Aproveite 5% de devolução de dinheiro no Croma com seus cartões Standard Chartered. Para detalhes da oferta e T & Cs, clique aqui.
Obtenha desconto instantâneo INR 200 na Grofers em compras subsequentes de INR mínimo de 2.000. Use o código promocional SCB200. Para detalhes da oferta e T & Cs, clique aqui.
Obtenha 10% de desconto instantâneo * no Snapdeal todos os sábados com seu cartão Standard Chartered. Para detalhes da oferta e T & Cs, clique aqui.
Aproveite 10% de reembolso em Jabong. Para detalhes da oferta e T & Cs, clique aqui.
Para mais ofertas, visite-sc / in / cartões de crédito / ofertas /
Elegibilidade e documentação Leia mais Perguntas frequentes Leia mais Perguntas frequentes para aplicação de variante de cartão adicional Leia mais.
Elegibilidade e documentação do cartão de crédito.
Requisito de elegibilidade para o seu pedido de Cartão de Crédito Standard Chartered:
A idade do candidato deve ser entre 21 e 65. O candidato deve ter uma renda mensal estável. O candidato deve pertencer aos cartões de crédito que fornecem cidades / locais do Banco. Todas as aplicações estão sujeitas a crédito e outras verificações de política do Banco.
Requisito do documento para o seu cartão de cartão de crédito com cartão patenteado padrão:
Prova de identidade (Qualquer um dos seguintes cartões de fotos): Passaporte, cartão PAN, cartão de identificação do eleitor, ID do Govt, etc. Endereço de prova (Qualquer um dos seguintes documentos com endereço de residência atual): Passaporte, licença de condução, conta do telefone, eletricidade / Outras contas de serviços bancários, contrato de aluguel, último extrato bancário / cartão de crédito 1 documento de documentos de tamanho recente de passaporte: Assalariado: Último relatório de salário de um mês Empresários autônomos: Últimas devoluções de TI com cálculo de renda / Finanças Certificadas, Último Negócio Profissionais Empregados: Últimas Devoluções de TI, Business Continuity proof. OU.
Você também pode aplicar em Basis: outra apólice de seguro de vida do cartão de crédito bancário.
Modos off-line Pagamento de cheques Você pode soltar um cheque, favorecendo o cartão de crédito do cartão de crédito padrão com referência a seu número de cartão de 16 dígitos, em qualquer uma das nossas caixas de depósito localizadas em caixas eletrônicos, caixas de depósito Skypack e sucursais em sua cidade. Pagamento em dinheiro Você pode depositar dinheiro em seu cartão de crédito em qualquer um dos ramos do banco padrão. Telefone Bancário Contato Standard Chartered Customer Service; na opção de menu, selecione a Opção Bancária e faça um pedido ao executivo para transferir o valor da sua Conta de Poupança Padrão ou Atual para sua conta do Cartão de Crédito Standard Chartered Bank. Débito Automático Se você possui uma conta com o Standard Chartered Bank, você pode nos pedir que debitemos automaticamente sua conta bancária com o valor mínimo devedor ou o valor total. Devido ao seu saldo mensal em seu cartão de crédito. Sua conta deve ser uma conta exclusiva ou uma conta conjunta com um mandato de assinatura "qualquer" ou "qualquer".
Veja como você pode ganhar seus pontos de recompensa:
Ganhe 3000 pontos de recompensa no primeiro mês simplesmente usando seu cartão de crédito para & # x20B9; 2000 e pague sua conta do cartão de crédito através da sua nova Conta de Poupança com o Standard Chartered Bank.
Ganhe 1500 pontos de recompensa para os próximos seis meses, gastando em mais de $ x20B9; 2000 todos os meses com seu cartão de crédito e pagando sua conta através da sua nova conta de poupança com o Standard Chartered Bank.
Esta oferta é válida apenas no seguinte tipo de cartões de crédito.
Cartão de crédito Super Value Titanium Cartão de crédito Manhattan Platinum Visa Cartão de crédito infinito Cartão de crédito Platinum Rewards Cartão de crédito mundial preferencial Platinum Elite Credit Card.
Você precisa ter uma Conta de poupança válida e um cartão de crédito válido com o banco Standard Chartered Você precisa solicitar uma nova Conta de Poupança com o banco para ser elegível para este esquema Se a Conta de Poupança que foi configurada em um mês (por exemplo: Julho), a promoção será aplicável a partir do primeiro mês seguinte (de agosto de acordo com este exemplo) até os próximos 7 meses. O esquema do ponto de recompensa só é aplicável se você assinar o folheto da oferta juntamente com a assinatura do formulário de solicitação da conta de poupança. Durante este período promocional, você precisa garantir que haja uma despesa mínima de cartão de crédito de & # x20B9; 2000 todos os meses Você precisa garantir que pelo menos um pagamento equivalente ao valor mínimo devido no cartão de crédito seja pago através da Conta de poupança padrão fretada. Os pagamentos com Cartão de Crédito devem ser feitos de sua Conta de Poupança Padrão por meio de transferência de fundos usando Bancada Online Padrão Os pontos de recompensa para um determinado mês serão creditados na conta do cliente após 25 dias após o final do mês. Por exemplo, os pontos de recompensa para o mês de janeiro serão creditados até 25 de fevereiro.
Caso nenhuma das condições acima mencionadas não seja cumprida em nenhum dos meses / s durante o período de promoção; o cliente não será elegível para pontos de recompensa adicionais ao abrigo deste esquema. No entanto, o cliente continuará a ganhar pontos de recompensa regulares, conforme os recursos existentes do cartão.
Perguntas frequentes sobre o cartão de crédito.
Você pode se inscrever on-line e obter uma decisão instantânea em princípio em minutos. Um representante do Banco entrará em contato com você uma vez que você enviou sua aplicação online com sucesso para completar o requisito de documentação. Você pode esperar para obter seu cartão de crédito, sujeito a Políticas finais e cheques de verificação do Banco, dentro de 7-15 dias a partir do momento em que você envia seus documentos e assinou o formulário de inscrição, embora possa levar mais tempo em alguns casos.
O limite de crédito dependerá de vários fatores, como sua renda, histórico de crédito, etc. Seu limite de crédito não é uma figura permanente e pode ser aumentado ou abaixado em uma data posterior, dependendo de seus gastos e comportamento de reembolso.
Posso obter um cartão de complemento? E haverá um limite de crédito separado no cartão Add-on?
Sim, você pode solicitar um cartão adicional. Não haverá um limite de crédito separado para o cartão adicional.
Um período de carência é um período sem juros para você pagar o saldo do seu cartão de crédito na íntegra sem taxas de taxa de juros. O período de carência é calculado com base no seu ciclo de cobrança e não a partir da data da transação.
Como é calculado o valor mínimo devido no cartão?
O montante mínimo devedor a cada mês deve ser maior do seguinte (a) 5% da declaração em circulação ou (b) soma total de todas as parcelas faturadas, juros, taxas, outros encargos, montante que está acima do limite e 1% do principal ou Re 250.
Será cobrada qualquer coisa extra se eu usar meu cartão de crédito no exterior?
Todas as transações no exterior são cobradas com uma taxa de transação de 3,5%.
A taxa de juros mensal é anualizada para chegar ao APR. A taxa de juros mensais é de 3,1% e é anualizada para chegar a uma TAEG de 37,20%. As transações em dinheiro atrairão uma taxa de juros de 3,49% pm (APR 41,88%). O APR no momento da criação do cartão de crédito é fixado por um período de 3 meses e será revisado a cada 3 meses com base no seu comportamento de risco no solo discrição do Banco e a taxa de juros aplicável variará entre 2,49% pm (29,88% APR) e 3,70% pm (APR 44,40%). A APR revisada será comunicada através do seu extrato mensal no momento de cada revisão e será aplicável por um período de 3 meses a partir da data da revisão.
Conta bancária on-line: De diferentes contas bancárias diretamente à sua conta do cartão. Visite https: // sc / in / _documents / billpay / billpay. html NEFT / IBFT: da sua conta bancária diretamente à conta do seu cartão, citando o código IFSC SCBL0036001 e o endereço como MG Road, Mumbai. Transferência de Dinheiro Visa: no caso de cartões de crédito do franchisee Visa, pague através da sua conta bancária usando Visa Money Transfer. As taxas de Transferência de Dinheiro de Visa podem ser avaliadas pelo banco iniciador. Standard Chartered Online Banking: os detentores de conta Standard Chartered podem pagar através de uma transferência de conta. ECS: A instrução do Serviço de compensação eletrônica (ECS) pode ser iniciada mediante a apresentação de um formulário ECS que autoriza a transferência de fundos. O formulário ECS deve ser comprovado pelo banco a partir do qual o pagamento deve ser feito. Os pagamentos podem ser feitos através da ECS em Nova Deli, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Coimbatore, Chennai, Hyderabad e Bangalore. Você é responsável por garantir que o ECS seja honrado. Pagamento de cheque / rascunho: deixando cair um cheque ou um rascunho em favor do seu cartão bancário Standard Chartered no. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (seu número de cartão de 16 dígitos) em qualquer uma das nossas caixas de coleta de cheques. Visite sc / in para obter a lista completa das localidades de Check Collection Boxes. O cheque ou rascunho deve ser completo em todos os aspectos. Qualquer alteração material deve ser devidamente contrariada. Faça seus pagamentos pelo menos 3 dias antes da data de vencimento do pagamento para facilitar o crédito oportuno dos fundos na sua conta do cartão. Observe que seu limite de crédito só será aumentado pelo valor que você pagou após o recebimento de seus fundos. No caso de não recebermos o pagamento na data de vencimento do pagamento, reservamos o direito de cobrar taxas de juros e pagamentos atrasados. Se você armazena várias contas de cartões ou EMI conosco, por favor, forneça instruções claras sobre a alocação de pagamento para essas várias contas do cartão no reverso de seus cheques. Se você estiver emitiendo cheques separados para cada conta do cartão, então, você deve especificar claramente não alocar no reverso do cheque. Na ausência de qualquer informação específica nesta frente, aplicaremos os fundos primeiro para a liquidação do valor mínimo devedor em relação a todas as contas do cartão que você possui conosco. Posteriormente, o pagamento em excesso será atribuído sequencialmente para o pagamento da conta do cartão com o saldo mais alto. Se alguma das suas contas do cartão estiver atrasada, nos reservamos o direito de priorizar os pagamentos às contas vencidas de acordo com nossa política interna. Para pagamentos em dinheiro, transferência de fundos e pagamento através de serviços bancários on-line, o pagamento individual deve ser feito em relação a cada uma das contas. Dinheiro: os pagamentos em dinheiro só podem ser depositados em nossas agências usando instalações de caixa eletrônico.
Como relato que meu cartão de crédito foi perdido ou roubado?
Você deve nos notificar imediatamente se você perceber que seu cartão de crédito foi perdido, roubado ou mal utilizado. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune - 3940 4444/6601 4444 Allahabad, Amritsar, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Cochin / Ernakulam, Coimbatore, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Kanpur, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Nagpur Patna, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara - 3940 444/6601 444 Gurgaon, Noida -011 - 39404444/011 - 66014444 Jalgaon, Guwahati, Cuttack, Mysore, Thiruvananthpuram, Vishakhapatnam, Mathura, Proddatur, Dehradun, Saharanpur -1800 345 1000 Siliguri - 1800 345 5000.
Se eu suspeitar que alguém roubou minha senha ou usei para fazer uma compra fraudulenta, o que devo fazer?
Você deve notificar-nos imediatamente se você perceber que seu cartão foi perdido, roubado ou mal utilizado. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune - 3940 4444/6601 4444 Allahabad, Amritsar, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Cochin / Ernakulam, Coimbatore, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Kanpur, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Nagpur Patna, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara - 3940 444/6601 444 Gurgaon, Noida -011 - 39404444/011 - 66014444 Jalgaon, Guwahati, Cuttack, Mysore, Thiruvananthpuram, Vishakhapatnam, Mathura, Proddatur, Dehradun, Saharanpur -1800 345 1000 Siliguri - 1800 345 5000.
# Pós-emissão do seu novo cartão de crédito, você pode obter um bilhete de tarifa de tarifa doméstica local gratuito que pode ser resgatado em reservas realizadas via Yatra. Esta oferta é aplicável apenas para cartões de crédito que são aplicados e aprovados on-line. Esta oferta é aplicável durante o período de 03 de abril de 2018 a 31 de maio de 2018 Para detalhes de T & Cs desta oferta, clique aqui.
Sob a Oferta, todos os Cartões de Crédito Padrão, Cartão de Crédito Manhattan e Portadores de Cartão de Débito ("Titulares de Cartão") são elegíveis para receber uma devolução de 5% do Titular do Cartão, levando a compra acima de 15.000 / - nas lojas Ezone no valor total da cobrança em uma única fatura (" Oferta"). A oferta é válida de 5 de outubro de 2018 a 10 de novembro de 2018, incluindo ambas as datas ("Período de oferta"). O montante do reembolso será creditado até 15 de dezembro de 2018 e refletirá no cartão de crédito e no estado de contas de dezembro de 2018 ou janeiro de 2018. O reembolso será limitado a 4.000 / - por titular do cartão durante o período da oferta.
O titular do cartão precisaria gastar acima de 15.000 / - em uma única fatura nas lojas Ezone para ser elegível para a Oferta.
A participação é voluntária e considerada aceitação dos termos e condições aqui mencionados. O Standard Chartered Bank detém o direito exclusivo, a seu exclusivo critério, de recusar ou negar a Oferta a qualquer titular do cartão. O Titular do Cartão se tornará inelegível para participar desta Oferta se o seu cartão for cancelado antes do final do período da Oferta. A Oferta não é válida nas transações EMI, independentemente do mesmo estar acima de 15.000 / -. A Oferta estará sujeita a eventos de força maior habituais e na ocorrência desse evento, a Oferta poderá ser retirada a critério do Standard Chartered Bank. Qualquer disputa estará sujeita à jurisdição exclusiva dos tribunais em Mumbai apenas. Quaisquer impostos ou responsabilidades ou encargos a pagar ao Governo ou a qualquer outra autoridade ou órgão, se houver, serão suportados diretamente pelo Titular do Cartão e / ou faturados na conta do Titular do Cartão. O Standard Chartered Bank reserva-se o seu direito absoluto em qualquer momento para adicionar, alterar, retirar, modificar ou alterar ou alterar qualquer ou todos os termos e condições da Oferta a seu exclusivo critério e o mesmo será vinculativo para o Titular do Cartão em todos os momentos. pode ser retirado ou prorrogado a qualquer momento, a critério exclusivo do Standard Chartered Bank. O Standard Chartered Bank não está empenhado em fazer tais ofertas similares além do Período da Oferta. Todos os outros termos e condições do acordo do titular do cartão continuarão a ser aplicáveis.
De acordo com a Oferta, todos os titulares de cartão de crédito e cartão de crédito Standard Credit Chartered, Manhattan e cartão de débito ("titulares do cartão") são elegíveis para reembolsar o reembolso de acordo com a cláusula 2 abaixo no titular do cartão, fazendo a compra acima de 10.000 em Flipkart no valor total de faturamento em uma factura única (" Oferta"). De 8 de outubro de 2018 a 14 de outubro de 2018 - 10% de devolução do valor do faturamento total em uma factura única. De 15 de outubro de 2018 a 19 de outubro de 2018 - 15% de devolução do valor do faturamento total em uma factura única. De 20 de outubro de 2018 a 3 de novembro de 2018 - 10% de devolução do valor total da cobrança em uma factura única Esta Oferta é válida de 8 de outubro de 2018 a 3 de novembro de 2018, ambas as datas ("Período de oferta"). O valor do reembolso será creditado até 30 de novembro de 2018 e refletirá no cartão de crédito e na demonstração de contas de dezembro de 2018 ou de janeiro de 2018. O total de devolução de caixa será limitado a 5.000 por titular do cartão durante o período da oferta.
O titular do cartão precisaria gastar acima de 10.000 em uma única fatura nas lojas flipkart para ser elegível para a Oferta.
A participação é voluntária e considerada aceitação dos termos e condições aqui mencionados. O Standard Chartered Bank detém o direito exclusivo, a seu exclusivo critério, de recusar ou negar a Oferta a qualquer titular do cartão. O Titular do Cartão se tornará inelegível para participar desta Oferta se o seu cartão for cancelado antes do final do período da Oferta. A Oferta não é válida nas transações EMI, independentemente do mesmo estar acima de 10.000. A Oferta estará sujeita a eventos de força maior habituais e na ocorrência desse evento, a Oferta poderá ser retirada a critério do Standard Chartered Bank. Qualquer disputa estará sujeita à jurisdição exclusiva dos tribunais em Mumbai apenas. Quaisquer impostos ou responsabilidades ou encargos a pagar ao Governo ou a qualquer outra autoridade ou órgão, se houver, serão suportados diretamente pelo Titular do Cartão e / ou faturados na conta do Titular do Cartão. O Standard Chartered Bank reserva-se o seu direito absoluto em qualquer momento para adicionar, alterar, retirar, modificar ou alterar ou alterar qualquer ou todos os termos e condições da Oferta a seu exclusivo critério e o mesmo será vinculativo para o Titular do Cartão em todos os momentos. pode ser retirado ou prorrogado a qualquer momento, a critério exclusivo do Standard Chartered Bank. O Standard Chartered Bank não está empenhado em fazer tais ofertas similares além do Período da Oferta. Todos os outros termos e condições do acordo do titular do cartão continuarão a ser aplicáveis.
Solicite um Cartão de Crédito Standard Chartered on-line, deslize para um mínimo de uma transação em seu cartão e obtenha um bilhete de tarifa de tarifa doméstica grátis.
Esta oferta é aplicável aos clientes que solicitam qualquer Cartão de Crédito Standard Chartered através do aplicativo de cartão de crédito on-line no site sc / in. O bilhete aéreo de tarifa doméstica só será enviado na emissão bem sucedida do cartão e no mínimo de uma transação de cartão no prazo de 15 dias após a emissão do cartão. A oferta é válida em pedidos on-line entre 3 de abril a 31 de maio de 2018 somente (Período de oferta) O ingresso de tarifa básica será despachado até 20 de junho de 2018 e o uso será válido até 31 de julho de 2018. A oferta é aplicável para novos para cartão de crédito bancário apenas. Os clientes inadimplentes / titulares de cartões não serão elegíveis para a oferta A oferta deve ser válida apenas em um cartão de crédito bem-sucedido configurado sujeito a todas as políticas e regras para o mesmo. O bilhete aéreo sem tarifa base é resgatável na Yatra conforme o processo descrito abaixo.
A participação é voluntária e considerada como aceitação dos termos e condições mencionados. O Banco detém o direito exclusivo, a seu exclusivo critério, de recusar ou negar a Oferta a qualquer Cliente. O Cliente deverá tornar-se inelegível para participar desta Oferta se o seu cartão for cancelado antes do final do período de oferta. A Oferta estará sujeita a eventos de força maior habituais e na ocorrência de tal evento, a Oferta será retirada a critério do Banco Qualquer disputa estará sujeita à jurisdição exclusiva dos Tribunais em Mumbai apenas. Qualquer participação desse tipo na Oferta pelo cliente é voluntária. Todos os impostos ou responsabilidades ou encargos a pagar ao Governo ou a qualquer outra autoridade ou órgão, se houver, serão suportados diretamente pelo cliente e / ou faturados à conta do cliente. O Banco reserva é absoluto em qualquer momento para adicionar, alterar, retirar, modificar ou alterar ou modificar qualquer ou todos os termos e condições da Oferta a seu exclusivo critério e o mesmo será obrigatório para o Cliente em todos os momentos. Essa Oferta poderá ser revogada no a qualquer momento, a critério exclusivo do Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank não está a comprometer-se a fazer tais ofertas similares além do Período da Oferta. Em caso de conflito, os termos e condições do contrato do titular do cartão substituirão quaisquer termos e condições.
Termos e Condições do bilhete aéreo sem tarifa base.
O cliente é obrigado a ligar para 0124-3040707 para resgatar sua tarifa de base. Bilhete de passagem grátis. Compartilhe os requisitos de viagem junto com seu código promocional exclusivo. O representante da Yatra verificará a disponibilidade do assento e atualizará o cliente sobre o status. Bilhete de avião com cartão de crédito Chartered Standard Em pagamento bem sucedido, o ingresso será enviado para você no endereço de e-mail fornecido pelo cliente.
Nota: - A data de reserva deve ser de 30 dias antes da data da viagem. Por favor, note que a data da viagem não deve estar dentro das datas de exclusão. Esta oferta é válida apenas em vôos diretos e não em vôos via (parando em diferentes destinos)
Este voucher de tarifa aérea sem tarifa é válido até 31 de julho de 2018 ("Data de validade da oferta / prazo de validade") durante o qual os clientes podem fazer suas reservas de uma única maneira na classe econômica usando o Cupom com tarifa básica. Para evitar qualquer dúvida, é esclarecido que o Cupão Fare Free Base expira em 31 de julho de 2018 e não pode ser resgatado na reserva de passagem aérea após o término do prazo de validade. O Standard Chartered Bank deve distribuir o Cupom Fare Free da Base ao Cliente vencedor, declarando que os vencedores são a critério exclusivo do Standard Chartered bank e está sujeito às políticas internas Standard Chartered. Esta Oferta é válida apenas para os titulares de cartões patenteados Standard. Standard Chartered ou Yatra não substituirão o Cupom Fare Free não utilizado e / ou expirado. No caso de o Cliente não inserir o código do voucher para aproveitar o desconto, a Standard Chartered e / e a Yatra devem, de modo algum, ser responsáveis ​​pelo mesmo reembolsar a tarifa base aplicável. Este é um código utilizável de uma só vez. Para evitar dúvidas, o cliente não pode usar o mesmo código para qualquer reserva adicional. Standard Chartered deve suportar apenas o custo da tarifa base do bilhete da companhia aérea, ou o Cupom da tarifa sem custo base será aplicável somente na tarifa básica das reservas de passagens aéreas. Os impostos (sobretaxa de aeroporto / combustível e outros impostos) devem ser pagos pelo Cliente diretamente a Yatra. A Oferta seria válida somente, se o Cliente pagar os impostos, conforme aplicável para o (s) bilhete (s) de avião, usando seu Cartão de Crédito Standard Chartered. O processo de despacho e entrega de bilhetes é completamente gerenciado pela Yatra. A Standard Chartered não deve, de forma alguma, ser responsável por quaisquer problemas de cumprimento de tickets que possam surgir durante o processo de reserva de ingresso. As reservas podem ser feitas com a Yatra e que a reserva / emissão de bilhetes deve ser não reembolsável. Seleção de Companhias Aéreas será a critério exclusivo de Yatra A reserva deve ser feita pelo menos 30 dias antes da data de viagem. A Yatra não será obrigada a reservar um bilhete aéreo / resgatar os Cupões da Fare Free Base se o ingresso estiver sendo reservado dentro dos 30 dias mencionados. Todas as reservas estarão sujeitas à disponibilidade no momento da reserva e serão regidas pelos termos e condições padrão da companhia aérea respectiva e os termos e condições do Yatra conforme indicado no site yatra. Não será permitida qualquer mudança de nome do (s) passageiro (s), conforme a reserva efetuada ao abrigo desta Oferta. Taxa de modificação regular seria aplicável em caso de alteração dos termos padrão de andamento e amp; condições de companhias aéreas e / ou Yatra. A Oferta não estará disponível para voar nas seguintes datas de Blackout:
Desconto adicional em Myntra - Termos & amp; Condições.
Sob a oferta, todos os titulares de cartões de crédito e de débito padrão são elegíveis para obter desconto adicional de 35% nas taxas vigentes - em myntra em uma compra mínima de & # x20B9; 1499 O titular do cartão precisará fazer a transação na página myntra usando o seu cartão de crédito ou débito padrão e digite o código promocional STANC35 no momento do check-out. A Oferta é válida desde 1º de fevereiro de 2018 até 31 de maio de 2018.
O titular do cartão precisará fazer a transação na página myntra usando seu cartão de crédito ou débito padrão e digite o Código promocional STANC35 no momento da compra.
O Standard Chartered Bank não garante nem representa a qualidade, comercialização, adequação ou disponibilidade dos produtos ou serviços incluídos nesta oferta. A participação é voluntária e considerada aceitação dos termos e condições aqui mencionados. Caso o cliente processe um reembolso, a transação não será aplicável ao desconto. O Standard Chartered Bank detém o direito exclusivo, a seu exclusivo critério, de recusar ou negar a Oferta a qualquer titular do cartão. O Titular do Cartão se tornará inelegível para participar desta Oferta se o seu cartão for cancelado antes do final do período da Oferta. A Oferta estará sujeita a eventos de força maior habituais e na ocorrência desse evento, a Oferta poderá ser retirada a critério do Standard Chartered Bank. Quaisquer impostos ou responsabilidades ou encargos a pagar ao Governo ou a qualquer outra autoridade ou órgão, se houver, serão suportados diretamente pelo Titular do Cartão e / ou faturados na conta do Titular do Cartão. O Standard Chartered Bank reserva-se o direito absoluto em qualquer momento de adicionar, alterar, retirar, modificar ou alterar ou alterar qualquer ou todos os termos e condições da Oferta a seu exclusivo critério e o mesmo será vinculativo para o Titular do Cartão em todos os momentos. Esta Oferta poderá ser retirada ou prorrogada a qualquer momento, a critério exclusivo do Standard Chartered Bank. O Standard Chartered Bank não está empenhado em fazer tais ofertas similares além do Período da Oferta. Todos os outros termos e condições do acordo do titular do cartão continuarão a ser aplicáveis. Qualquer disputa estará sujeita à jurisdição exclusiva dos tribunais em Mumbai apenas.
Esta oferta não é válida em pedidos de entrega em dinheiro. Esta oferta não é válida em nenhuma das lojas / lojas de varejo dos parceiros da aliança. Esta oferta pode não ser aplicável em estilos selecionados. Esta oferta não pode ser combinada com outras ofertas no Myntra. Vários cupons não podem ser batidos em uma única ordem. O valor do saldo, após o aproveitamento do desconto, terá que ser pago pelo cliente no momento da compra. O Cliente não será elegível para Meus Pontos de Privilégio pelo desconto aproveitado usando o cupom / voucher. A Política de retorno e troca da Myntra oferece-lhe a opção de devolver ou trocar itens comprados na Myntra no prazo de 30 dias após o recebimento. Em caso de devolução do item comprado, consulte a "Política de devolução" no nosso site ou escreva para os retornos @ myntra. A Myntra reserva-se o direito de alterar os termos e condições desta oferta, incluindo a extensão, retirada ou descontinuação da mesma sem aviso prévio, a seu exclusivo critério. Todos os pedidos estarão sujeitos à disponibilidade no momento da compra e serão regidos pelos termos e condições padrão do Myntra. Todas as disputas decorrentes ou em conexão com este esquema estão sujeitas à jurisdição exclusiva dos tribunais em Bangalore apenas.
Jabong Adicional 30% Oferta de desconto - Termos & amp; Condições.
Sob a oferta, todos os titulares de cartões de débito e de crédito com frete padrão ("titulares de cartão") são elegíveis para obter um desconto adicional de 30% + 2 ingressos de filme em uma compra mínima de 1599 / - e acima de vendedores selecionados em jabong / standardchartered / ("Oferta" ). Mencionar o código do voucher como 'STANP30PJB' (como mencionado na página de destino) e o desconto será aplicado. O máximo de 10 transações por cartão será elegível para desconto durante o período da oferta. O titular do cartão terá que utilizar o seu cartão bancário padrão de cada vez para aproveitar a oferta de desconto. A oferta é válida de 13 de março de 2018 a 30 de junho de 14. Ambos os dias inclusive. Este é um desconto instantâneo e o mesmo será ajustado na fatura. Para aproveitar os ingressos de filmes com este oferente, o titular do cartão precisa usar o seguinte link jabong / movieticket / e siga as etapas.
Para aproveitar o desconto, o titular do cartão deve aplicar o código do cupom; 'STANP30PJB' antes do check-out em Jabong. O titular do cartão precisa selecionar Standard Chartered como modo de pagamento e, em seguida, fornecer os detalhes do cartão fretado padrão.
O Standard Chartered Bank não garante nem representa a qualidade, comercialização, adequação ou disponibilidade dos produtos ou serviços incluídos nesta oferta. A participação é voluntária e considerada aceitação dos termos e condições aqui mencionados. Caso o cliente processe um reembolso, a transação não será aplicável ao Desconto. O Standard Chartered Bank detém o direito exclusivo, a seu exclusivo critério, de recusar ou negar a Oferta a qualquer titular do cartão. O Titular do Cartão se tornará inelegível para participar desta Oferta se o seu cartão for cancelado antes do final do período da Oferta. A Oferta estará sujeita a eventos de força maior habituais e na ocorrência desse evento, a Oferta poderá ser retirada a critério do Standard Chartered Bank. Quaisquer impostos ou responsabilidades ou encargos a pagar ao Governo ou a qualquer outra autoridade ou órgão, se houver, serão suportados diretamente pelo Titular do Cartão e / ou faturados na conta do Titular do Cartão. O Standard Chartered Bank reserva-se o direito absoluto em qualquer momento de adicionar, alterar, retirar, modificar ou alterar ou alterar qualquer ou todos os termos e condições da Oferta a seu exclusivo critério e o mesmo será vinculativo para o Titular do Cartão em todos os momentos. Esta Oferta poderá ser retirada ou prorrogada a qualquer momento, a critério exclusivo do Standard Chartered Bank. O Standard Chartered Bank não está empenhado em fazer tais ofertas similares além do Período da Oferta. Todos os outros termos e condições do acordo do titular do cartão continuarão a ser aplicáveis. Qualquer disputa estará sujeita à jurisdição exclusiva dos tribunais em Mumbai apenas.
Como o Standard Chartered Additional 30% Discount work? COMPRE AGORA.
Entre para Jabong e vá para o seguinte link; jabong / standardchartered /. Selecione produtos e adicione ao carrinho. APLICAR O CÓDIGO DO VOUCHER.
Mencione o código do voucher como 'STANP30PJB' e o desconto será aplicado. VÁ PARA A PÁGINA DE PAGAMENTO.
Depois de clicar em 'Encomendar agora' no carrinho, a página 'Pagamento seguro' será aberta. Você precisará prosseguir passo a passo para verificar os detalhes do e-mail e o endereço de remessa através de uma revisão do Resumo da Ordem, finalmente, para a etapa "Opções de pagamento". SELECIONE A OPÇÃO DE PAGAMENTO.
Selecione Standard Chartered como o modo de pagamento. ENTRAR DETALHES DE PAGAMENTO.
Forneça os seus dados do cartão Standard Chartered.
Esta Oferta está aberta a todos os Carteiristas Standard Chartered cujas contas sejam válidas e válidas. Um Standard Chartered Cardmember ("Cardmembers") para os fins desta Oferta significa uma pessoa que detém um Cartão emitido na Índia pela Standard Chartered & reg; Banking Corp. Para receber esta oferta, a compra deve ser cobrada na íntegra para cartões de crédito / débito padrão. O pagamento parcial por Jabong Credit ou e-Gift Voucher não é aplicável. Os descontos serão aplicados ao valor total da mercadoria, incluindo o IVA e os impostos aplicáveis. O desconto pode ser resgatado até 30 de junho de 2018. 30% de desconto na compra mínima de Rs 1599 / - e acima. O limite de uso por cartão é 10 vezes. Para aproveitar o desconto, o cliente deve aplicar o código do cupom antes do check-out em Jabong. A Jabong não será responsável pela falha do cliente em aplicar o código do cupom. O desconto só pode ser resgatado através de um cartão de débito / cartão de crédito padrão com cartão de crédito ou usando o banco bancário Standard Chartered Bank. Esta oferta é aplicável além dos descontos existentes em nosso site. A oferta é aplicável em produtos e marcas selecionados. Todas as encomendas estão sujeitas à disponibilidade de estoque no momento da encomenda. Standard Chartered e Jabong não serão responsáveis ​​por qualquer perda ou dano que possa ser sofrido, ou por qualquer dano pessoal que possa sofrer como resultado da oferta. Jabong e Standard Chartered reservam-se o direito de alterar / modificar / adicionar / excluir conjuntamente qualquer dos termos e condições da oferta. Ao fazer um pedido, o cliente aceita todos os termos e condições especificados em Jabong. In case of any query pertaining to use of coupon and/or credit note or regarding the schemes, please email customer care at care@jabong or call @ 124-6128000. This offer is being made purely on a "best effort" basis. Card members are not bound in any manner to participate in this offer and any such participation is purely voluntary. Standard Chartered reserves its absolute right to withdraw and / or alter any of the terms and conditions of the offer at any time without prior notice. Nothing expressed or implied in the program shall in any way waive or amend any of the terms and conditions of the existing Card member agreement with the Card issuerder. In case the customer returns the product and requests for refund, Jabong will pay the amount post deducting the discount amount. Any disputes arising out of and in connection with this program shall subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the state of Delhi only.
Terms and Conditions for Movie Tickets.
Once a customer makes a purchase on jabong using Coupon Code, he/she will receive an email after 24 business hours stating - Your movie ticket vouchers will be sent after 10 days (i. e. after 10 days of completing the transaction) which will have a Movie code. One code can be used for booking 2 movie tickets. Example - to book 4 movie tickets the customer will have to use 2 codes separately. In order to redeem the movie ticket vouchers please follow the below steps.
Steps to Redeem Movie Voucher (received after 10 days of making a transaction):
After receiving the movie ticket voucher, log on to cinerewardz to register the voucher OR call on 022 40270000/40270038/40270034. Click On "Registration Tab" and enter your voucher no., name, telephone no., mobile no. and email. Click on submit button after filling the details. You will get an Email & SMS with "Authentication No" (this Authentication no. will be used for booking the tickets). After receiving the Authentication code, go to cinerewardz/Booking. aspx (section for booking the movie tickets). At the booking page, enter your:
a) Authentication No. (which was sent on your email id and as an SMS on your mobile)
c) Select multiplex and date of your choice.
d) After selecting multiplex and date, you have to "type in Movie Name" (you can check the Movie Name and Show Timings by referring to some popular movie websites) Within 24-60 hours(excluding Sundays), of filling this form, Cine Reward's customer care will either give you a call for confirming your tickets (from the options you have filled in while booking)or will send you an email for confirming the booking of your tickets. After your confirmation, you will receive e-tickets on your email Id & via SMS. You will have to show the print out & SMS at the ticket window to avail physical tickets.
Customer will be allowed to book tickets in advance for the show scheduled after two days till seven days. For instance, if you are booking your tickets on 29th July then you can book your tickets from 1st August - 6th August. The validity of the tickets will be 50 Days from the date of issue of the voucher i. e. from the date the voucher was shared with the customer. Ticket can be booked from Monday to Thursday - all shows and from Friday to Sunday - only morning shows. In case of any returns/cancellations/refunds, the customer will not be eligible to receive the movie ticket vouchers. The offer is valid till ticket lasts This offer is not applicable on purchase of precious jewellery, furniture, gold and silver coins. All matters of dispute will be a subject to final decision of Jabong. Jabong reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and may extend or withdraw the contest without any prior notice.
Discount offer on Goibibo - Terms & Condições.
Under the offer all Standard Chartered Credit and Debit Cardholders ("Cardholders") are eligible to get below mentioned discounts on prevailing rates on bookings made at goibibo ("Offer")
The offer is valid from 1st February'14 till 31st May'14. The discount is valid only on per transaction (maximum of 2 transactions per month) per card.
The Cardholder will need to make the transaction on goibibo page using his/her Standard Chartered Credit or Debit Card and enter the Promo Codes mentioned above.
Detailed process to get the offer Log on to goibibo. Key in details as required in the flight search field. Finalize the Airline, hotel or bus and use the Promotion Code shared by bank and then click on Calculate Discount button (Only for validation purpose, price will remain same here) and proceed for payment by clicking 'Credit / Debit card' to avail the offer. Make payment by using Standard Chartered Bank card only to proceed. After matching your card no and promotion code. Goibibo will calculate the applicable discount (according to the discount category) & deduct the same from your total fare. Goibibo will display your eligibility before making the payment. Ibibo Web Pvt Ltd will validate the transactions based on Promotion Code and Card Number before giving benefit.
Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this offer. The participation is voluntary and deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein. In case the customer processes a refund, the transaction will not be applicable for the discount. Standard Chartered Bank holds the exclusive right at its sole discretion to refuse or deny the Offer to any Cardholder. The Cardholder shall become ineligible to participate in this Offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the Offer Period. The Offer shall be subject to usual force majeure events and on occurrence of such event, the Offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of Standard Chartered Bank. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Mumbai only. Any taxes or liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority or body, if any, shall be borne directly by Cardholder and/or billed to the account of the Cardholder. Standard Chartered Bank reserves its absolute right at any time to add, alter, withdraw, modify or change or vary any or all the terms and conditions of the Offer at its sole discretion and the same shall be binding on the Cardholder at all times. This Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time at the sole discretion of Standard Chartered Bank. Standard Chartered Bank is not making any commitment to make such similar offers beyond the Offer Period. All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder's agreement shall continue to apply.
This is Instant Discount applicable for Standard Chartered Bank Customers as per the offers mentioned above. This promotion is valid from 1st February 2018 till 31st May 2018. The above discount is in addition to the existing discounts (which are subject to change) prevailing on Goibibo website. The discount is valid only on per transaction (maximum of 2 transactions per month). The offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer at goibibo.
*Termos e Condições.
This offer is valid on cards issued after 1st Jan 2018 and is applicable only on Super Value Titanium, Manhattan Platinum, Yatra Platinum, Bajaj Platinum and Platinum Rewards credit card.
The 12 month period considered for the waiver will begin from the month of card issuance.
Joining fee & Annual fee are levied at the beginning of the first year and renewal fee is levied at the beginning of every year from the second year onwards.
This offer cannot be clubbed with other offers.
Reversal of fee will be done into the card account within 90 days of the required spends criteria being met.
*Termos e Condições.
Earning Reward Points:
Tiered Reward Points will be earned only at Lifestyle, Home Centre and Max stores in India and will be calculated on total spends at all affiliated stores in India Allow 10 days from purchase for the points to be available for redemption To earn incremental points of a higher tier, the member must spend the target amount in excess of the target spends of the previous tier The points have a validity of one year from the month of accrual, post which the points will expire. Please take care to redeem your points before they expire The value of the rewards and the privileges will depend on the tier the member is currently in All benefits mentioned will be extended only on the use of the Landmark Rewards Platinum credit card Points earned for spends at Lifestyle and Max stores above base rewards (i. e. points over 3 per `200 spent) shall be awarded on net billed amount (billed value less tax). Such points will not be awarded or earned in the following cases: i. Discounted or marked down merchandise. ii. Special offers, promotions or items excluded by the management from time to time at its sole discretion. iii. Non-tradable items such as carry bags, contribution to charity, etc. iv. Alcohol and tobacco products, baby food items and electronic items purchased from SPAR v. Purchase of gift vouchers/cards or issue of a credit note vi. For newly enrolled customers, until they have an initial cumulative spends of `1,000 across the Landmark Group.
Rewards redemption:
Minimum 166 Reward Points are required for redemption Reward Points can be redeemed either at point of sale or for gift vouchers which can be used at any affiliated store in India The points cannot be redeemed for cash The member will be required to present the credit card along with any standard ID proof at the time of redemption of the points The value of the rewards and the privileges will depend on the tier the member is currently in Gift vouchers are valid for redemption only at the affiliated stores in India If the gift voucher/s issued against redemption of loyalty points is lost, Lifestyle and its affiliated companies shall not be responsible and no duplicate gift vouchers will be issued in lieu of the lost gift voucher/s All special offers, updates and your account activity details would be communicated to you through SMS, direct mail and/or email. However the associate companies of Landmark Rewards affiliated stores shall not be responsible in any manner for any lost, delayed, incorrect, misdirected or incomplete communication Points once redeemed against a purchase can in no event be re-credited No cash refund will be entertained for purchases made by redeeming the loyalty points in the case of purchase returns.
Other terms and conditions.
Standard Chartered Bank expressly reserves the rights to, at any time and without any previous notice, alter, modify, change or vary the rate at which the Reward Points are awarded Standard Chartered Bank at its discretion, may also award points for any other transactions either for specific periods or for specific situations Points will accrue to cardholders only if all the credit cards (with respect to more than one card being issued on an account - be it a supplementary, multiple or any other card) issued to the cardholders are in good standing If any card in a cardholder’s account - be it a primary, supplementary, multiple or any other card goes delinquent (i. e. overdue or over credit limit or in collection), statement of all cards in that account will stop reflecting the Reward Points so long as the card account remains in that state. On the card account being regularised and at the discretion of the bank, the points may be reinstated Points will not be awarded to cardholders towards cash advances and fees such as entrance fee, annual fee, supplementary card fee, multiple card fee, cash advance fee, extra fee for picture cards, charges for dishonoured cheques, financial charges, delinquency charges, late payment, collection charges and any other fee or charge levied by the bank Points will accrue to the individual card accounts in the case of eligible primary, multiple cards or any other card be it a cross-sell card or a second card. However, points by any supplementary cards will automatically accrue to the primary card account on which the supplementary cards are issued and not any other card account Points accrued have no cash or monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash in any form A cardholder cannot transfer any Reward Points to another person Computation of the Reward Points is at sole discretion of the bank and shall be final, conclusive, binding on cardholders and will not be liable to be disputed or questioned In the case of disputed transaction being resolved in favour of the cardholder and/or where a transaction is reversed, the equivalent Reward Points will also be reversed The Landmark Group expressively reserves the rights at any time without any previous notice to alter, modify change or vary the tiered Reward Points. The bank shall not be liable for any such alteration, modification or variation in the tiered Reward Points.
Lifestyle Inner Circle Sale T&Cs.
What is the offer.
Under the offer all Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card holders (“Cardholders”) are eligible to get additional cash back of 10% upon a minimum purchase of Rs 5,000 The offer is valid from 08 July to 23 August, 2018 Cash back will be credited by 31 October, 2018 Offer can be availed multiple times within the offer period Customer will have to use his/her Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card every time to avail of the cash back Cash back will be calculated only on the amount transacted on Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card Offer is not valid on purchases of Gift Vouchers Cash back is not applicable for NRE customers Offer is applicable on ALL SELLERS.
How to avail the offer.
In order to avail 10% cash back, cardholder will require to make the payment with his/her Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card, for a minimum purchase of Rs 5,000 Standard Chartered Bank will credit eligible cash back into qualifying cardholders’ account by 31 October, 2018 Standard Chartered Inner Circle card holders will qualify to accrue Inner Circle rewards during the offer period.
Standard Chartered Bank will calculate the eligible cash back by 31 October, 2018 Cardholder can verify the cash back amount by checking his/her account online on or after 01 November, 2018 In event of any discrepancy, please contact Standard Chartered Bank helpline along with a copy of their Lifestyle invoice to enable the bank to resolve the discrepancy Cardholders require to contact the Bank with any cash back amount related discrepancy not later than 31 December, 2018.
Other terms and conditions.
This offer is valid for all live Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card The customer is entitled to cash back of 10% on all purchases at any Lifestyle only for payment made on Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card during Lifestyle Sale period Offer is valid only on single bill value of `5,000 or more Offer can be availed multiple times within the offer period. Customer will have to use his/her Standard Chartered Bank Inner Circle credit card every time to avail of the cash back offer This scheme is being brought to you by Lifestyle and Standard Chartered Bank. Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this offer Any dispute in this regard shall be directly taken up with Lifestyle The offer is subject to force majeure events The Bank reserves the absolute right to vary, amend or withdraw any of the featured offers or amend the terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice Offers cannot be redeemed for cash or kind and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers or packages, unless otherwise indicated The offer is not valid on purchase of Lifestyle Gift Vouchers The tax liability, duties, levies by whatever name called in connection with the offer shall be borne by the cardholder In case of any disputes, Cardholders are required to present the relevant original payment receipts and credit or debit card sale slips for further investigation by the Bank. In all such cases, the decision of the Bank and Lifestyle shall be final Any dispute arising out of this offer will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai only. All other regular credit & debit card conditions apply The dates of the sale can be changed at the discretion of Lifestyle International (P) Ltd. Standard Lifestyle Off Sale Exchange Policy shall apply Gift voucher will be directly given to the cardholder at the time of making the payment Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this offer The participation is voluntary and deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein In the event merchandise is exchanged the corresponding value will be deducted from the paid amount while checking eligibility of discount Standard Chartered Bank holds the exclusive right at its sole discretion to refuse or deny the offer to any Cardholder. The Cardholder shall become ineligible to participate in this offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the offer period Lifestyle International Pvt. Ltd. reserves the rights to modify / cancel the promotions at its discretion without any prior intimation The offer shall be subject to usual force majeure events and on occurrence of such event, the offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of Standard Chartered Bank The above offers are not valid on purchases of Jewellery section & at Lifestyle Exclusive stores Standard Chartered Bank is not making any commitment to make such similar offers beyond the offer period All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder’s agreement shall continue to apply Standard Chartered Bank reserves its absolute right at any time to add, alter, withdraw, modify or change or vary any or all the terms and conditions of the offer at its sole discretion and the same shall be binding on the Cardholder at all times Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Mumbai.
Home Centre Inner Circle credit card Sale T&Cs.
What is the offer.
Under the offer all Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card holders (“Cardholders”) are eligible to get additional cash back of 10% upon a minimum purchase of 5,000 The offer is valid from 01 July to 31 August, 2018 Cash back will be credited by 31 October, 2018 Offer can be availed multiple times within the offer period Customer will have to use his/her Standard Chartered Bank Inner Circle credit card every time to avail of the cash back Cash back will be calculated only on the amount transacted on Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card Offer is not valid on purchases of Gift Vouchers Cash back is not applicable for NRE customers Offer is applicable on ALL SELLERS.
How to avail the offer.
In order to avail 10% cash back, cardholder will require to make the payment with his/her Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card, for a minimum purchase of Rs 5,000 Standard Chartered Bank will credit eligible cash back into qualifying cardholders’ account by 31 October, 2018 Standard Chartered Inner Circle cardholders will qualify to accrue Inner Circle rewards during the offer period.
Standard Chartered Bank will calculate the eligible cash back by 31 October, 2018 Cardholder can verify the cash back amount by checking his/her account online on or after 01 November, 2018 In event of any discrepancy, please contact Standard Chartered Bank helpline along with a copy of their Home Centre invoice to enable the bank to resolve the discrepancy Cardholders require to contact the bank with any cash back amount related discrepancy not later than 31 December, 2018.
Other terms and conditions.
This offer is valid for all live Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card The customer is entitled to cash back of 10% on all purchases at any Home Centre only for payment made on Standard Chartered Inner Circle credit card during Home Centre Sale period Offer is valid only on single bill value of `5,000 or more Offer can be availed multiple times within the offer period. Customer will have to use his/her Standard Chartered Bank Credit/Debit Card every time to avail of the cash back offer This scheme is being brought to you by Home Centre and Standard Chartered Bank. Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this offer Any dispute in this regard shall be directly taken up with Home Centre The offer is subject to force majeure events The bank reserves the absolute right to vary, amend or withdraw any of the featured offers or amend the terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice Offers cannot be redeemed for cash or kind and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers or packages, unless otherwise indicated The offer is not valid on purchase of Home Centre Gift Vouchers. The tax liability, duties, levies by whatever name called in connection with the offer shall be borne by the cardholder In case of any disputes, Cardholders are required to present the relevant original payment receipts and credit or debit card sale slips for further investigation by the bank. In all such cases, the decision of the bank and Home Centre shall be final Any dispute arising out of this offer will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai only. All other regular credit & debit card conditions apply The dates of the sale can be changed at the discretion of Home Centre International (P) Ltd. Standard Home Centre Off Sale Exchange Policy shall apply Gift voucher will be directly given to the cardholder at the time of making the payment Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this offer The participation is voluntary and deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein In the event merchandise is exchanged the corresponding value will be deducted from the paid amount while checking eligibility of discount Standard Chartered Bank holds the exclusive right at its sole discretion to refuse or deny the offer to any Cardholder. The Cardholder shall become ineligible to participate in this offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the offer period Home Centre International Pvt. Ltd. reserves the rights to modify / cancel the promotions at its discretion without any prior intimation The offer shall be subject to usual force majeure events and on occurrence of such event, the offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of Standard Chartered Bank The above offers are not valid on purchases of Jewellery section & at Home Centre Exclusive stores Standard Chartered Bank is not making any commitment to make such similar offers beyond the offer period All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder’s agreement shall continue to apply Standard Chartered Bank reserves its absolute right at any time to add, alter, withdraw, modify or change or vary any or all the terms and conditions of the offer at its sole discretion and the same shall be binding on the Cardholder at all times Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Mumbai.
FAQs for additional card variant.
How long does it take to apply for an additional credit card variant?
You can apply online and get an instant approval. You can expect to get your credit card, subject to final Policy and verification checks of the Bank, within 7-15 days from the time your online successful request for additional card variant is received.
What will be my credit limit?
There won't be a separate credit limit for the additional card variant.
Grace period is an interest free period for you to pay your credit card balance in full without any interest rate charges. The grace period is calculated based on your billing cycle and not from the date of the transaction.
How is the Minimum Amount Due on the card calculated?
The minimum amount due every month shall be higher of the following :(a) 5% of statement outstanding or (b) sum total of all installments billed, interest, fees, other charges, amount that is over limit and 1% of the principal or ₹ 250.
Will I be charged anything extra if I use my credit card overseas?
All overseas transactions are levied with a 3.5% transaction fee.
How much is the interest charges?
The monthly interest rate is annualized to arrive at the Annualised Percentage Rate (APR). Monthly Interest Rate is 3.1% pm and is annualized to arrive at an APR of 37.20%. Cash transactions will attract an interest rate of 3.49% pm (APR 41.88%).The APR at the time of credit card set up is fixed for a period of 3 months and will be reviewed every 3 months based on your risk behaviour at the sole discretion of the Bank and the rate of interest applicable will vary between 1.99% pm (APR 23.88%) and 3.49% pm (APR 41.88%). The revised APR will be communicated through your monthly statement at the time of each revision and will be applicable for a period of 3 months from the date of revision.
What is the credit card tariff of charges?
How can I make my credit card payment?
Bill Desk: From different bank accounts directly to your Card account. For further details visit https://sc/in/_documents/billpay/billpay. html NEFT / IBFT: From your bank account directly to your Card account by quoting the IFSC code SCBL0036001 and the address as MG Road, Mumbai.
Visa Money Transfer: In case of Visa franchisee credit cards, pay through your bank account using Visa Money Transfer. Fees for Visa Money Transfer may be levied by the initiating bank.
Standard Chartered Online Banking: Standard Chartered account holders can pay through an account transfer.
ECS: Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) instruction can be initiated by submitting an ECS form authorizing transfer of funds. The ECS form needs to be attested by the bank from which the payment has to be made. Payments can be made through ECS in New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Coimbatore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. You are responsible for ensuring that the ECS is honoured.
Cheque/Draft Payment: Dropping a cheque or a draft in favour of your Standard Chartered Bank Card no. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (your 16 digit Card number) into any of our Cheque Collection Boxes. Visit sc/in for the complete list of the locations of Cheque Collection Boxes. The cheque or draft should be complete in all respects. Any material alteration must be duly counter signed.
Make your payments at least 3 days in advance of your Payment Due Date to facilitate the timely credit of the funds into your Card account. Note that your credit limit will only be increased by the amount you have repaid after our receipt of your funds. In case we do not receive payment by the Payment Due Date, we reserve the right to levy Interest and Late Payment Charges.
If you hold multiple Cards or EMI accounts with us, please give us a clear instructions on the allocation of payment to these various Card accounts on the reverse of your cheques. If you are issuing separate cheques for each Card account, then, you should clearly specify Not to allocate on the reverse of the cheque. In the absence of any specific information on this front, we will apply the funds first towards clearance of the Minimum Amount Due in respect of all Card accounts you hold with us. Thereafter, the excess payment will be allocated sequentially towards payment of the Card account with highest balance. If any of your Card account is overdue, we reserve the right to prioritize payments to overdue accounts first as per our internal policy. For Cash payments, funds transfer and payment through Online banking, individual payment should be made against each of the accounts.
Cash: Cash payments can only be deposited at our branches using teller facilities.
How do I report that my credit card has been lost or stolen?
You must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Credit Card has been lost, stolen or misused. You can contact us at.
If I suspect someone has stolen my password or used it to make a fraudulent purchase, what should I do?
You must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Card has been lost, stolen or misused. You can contact us at.
Standard Chartered Bank credit card customer.
What is the offer?
Up to 15% discount offer.
All Standard Chartered credit and debit card holders (“Cardholders”) will be eligible to get up to 15% off on base fare (“Offer”) of Emirates tickets. Offer is applicable only on base fare and not on any applicable taxes. Taxes and fuel surcharges are excluded from the discount and must be paid in full. This offer is valid on Emirates flights originating from India (Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Cochin and Trivandrum) to any Emirates online destination worldwide Offer is valid only for bookings are done on the url “emirates/scb” Offer is valid on return travel only. One way ticket will not qualify for this offer Offer is valid on all fare classes and Economy and Business class cabins Booking validity of the offer is 23 November and 31 December 2018 Travel validity of the offer is 23 November 2018 to 16 December 2018 and 21 January 2018 – 31 March 2018 Blackout dates for inbound and outbound travel: 17 December 2018 to 20 January 2018 Select fare classes will be eligible for 10% and select fare classes will be eligible for 15% discount This promotion is subject to seat availability at the time of booking and may be withdrawn by Emirates at its sole discretion and without prior notice This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer Emirates' Conditions of Carriage apply in relation to all Emirates airline tickets as available on “emirates/in/english/sitetools/terms_and_conditions. aspx” Flight restrictions may apply to certain airfares. Please review the ‘Fare Conditions’ when booking online to view all fare rules All fares are subject to availability of the required sub-booking class at the time of booking and airfares may change without notice unless the airfare is ticketed This offer cannot be claimed retroactively/on existing bookings Offer is valid on Emirates Airlines marketed and operated flights only Offer is not valid on code-share flights.
How to avail the Offer?
Cardholder will have to book the return ticket on url emirates/scb Booking validity of the offer is 23 November and 31 December 2018 Travel validity of the offer is 23 November 2018 to 16 December 2018 and 21 January 2018 – 31 March 2018.
Other terms and conditions.
An instant discount will be awarded to Standard Chartered Debit and Credit cardholders at the time of making the payment as per the offer The discount will be calculated on base fare of ticket amount Offer is not applicable on taxes Standard Chartered cardholder will have to make the payment with their Standard Chartered cards only to avail this offer Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this Offer. Standard Chartered Bank holds no warranty or makes no representation about the quality offered Emirates. Any dispute or claim regarding the services must be resolved by the customers with Emirates or its sellers, directly without any reference to Standard Chartered Bank. Standard Chartered Bank shall not entertain any such disputes even if, the customer approaches for resolution of the same The participation is voluntary and any purchase on Emirates Airline platform using Standard Chartered card shall be deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein In event of cancellation, relevant ticket fare rules will apply In event of a refund; refund will be posted on the amount charged on the card Standard Chartered Bank holds the exclusive right at its sole discretion to refuse or deny the offer to any Cardholder. The cardholder shall become ineligible to participate in this Offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the Offer Period. Standard Chartered reserves the right to disqualify any Customer from the benefits of the campaign / offer, if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out by the customer for the purpose of availing the benefits under the campaign/offer or otherwise by use of the service Any taxes or liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority or body, if any, shall be borne directly by Cardholder and/ or billed to the account of the Cardholder This Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time at the sole discretion of Standard Chartered Bank & Emirates Airlines Standard Chartered Bank is not making any commitment to make such similar offers beyond the Offer period Regular rules of carriage will apply All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder agreement shall continue to apply The Offer shall be subject to usual force majeure events and on occurrence of such event, the Offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of Standard Chartered Bank Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai only Nothing expressed or implied in the program shall in any way waive or amend any of the applicable terms and conditions on Emirates. Under no circumstance will the offer/discount being offered under this program be settled in cash All government levies like Sales Tax, TDS, any Local Tax, Octroi etc., shall be payable by the Cardholder as applicable at the time the respective Programs were offered Any disputes arising out of the Offer shall be subject to arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by both the Parties with mutual consultations for this purpose. The proceedings of the arbitration shall be conducted as per the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The place of arbitration shall be at Mumbai and language of arbitration shall be English Customers are not bound in any way to participate in the discount program Any such participation is voluntary and the same is being made purely on a best effort basis All liability with respect to the products purchased lies with the respective seller and Emirates Airlines shall be in no way responsible for the same Kuch Bhi on EMI terms and conditions will be applicable as published on “https://sc/in/campaign/breeze-mobile/bmw-kbe-mailer/kbe-tnc. pdf.
Emirates Airline Discount offer on SCB Credit and Debit cards.
What is the Offer?
Up to 15% discount offer.
All Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) Credit and Debit card holders (“Cardholders”) are eligible for a discount up to 15% off on the “base” fare only (“Offer”) of Emirates Airline tickets booked. Cardholders are required to use the promotion code “INSCB16” (I = letter “I” & 1 = digit 1) to avail the Offer. Offer is applicable only on the base fare of the ticket and not on any applicable taxes. Taxes and fuel surcharges and any other component included the ticket price are excluded from the purview of the Offer and must be paid in full by the Cardholders. This offer is valid on Emirates flights originating from India (Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Cochin and Trivandrum) to any Emirates online destination worldwide. Offer is valid only for bookings are done on the url “emirates/in OR emirates/SessionHandler. aspx? pageurl=/IBE. aspx&pub=/in/English§ion=IBE&j=f? utm_source=SCB_IN&utm_medium=partner_email&utm_term=Bank15off&utm_campaign=CUGOSCB” Offer is valid on “return travel” only. One way ticket shall not qualify for this offer. Offer is valid on all fare classes and Economy and Business class cabins The Offer is applicable to bookings made between 22 April to 31 May 2018 (inclusive of both days) Travel validity of the offer is for the period 22 April to 31 October 2018 (both days inclusive) Blackout dates will be applicable as published on emirates/in Tactical fare classes will be eligible for 10% and Strategic fare classes for 15% discounts respectively as determined by Emirates in its sole discretion This promotion is subject to seat availability at the time of booking and may be withdrawn by Emirates at its sole discretion and without prior notice. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Emirates' Conditions of Carriage apply in relation to all Emirates airline tickets as available on “emirates/in/english/sitetools/terms_and_conditions. aspx” Flight restrictions may apply to certain airfares. Please review the ‘Fare Conditions’ when booking online to view all fare rules. All fares are subject to availability of the required sub-booking class at the time of booking and airfares may change without notice unless the airfare is ticketed. This offer cannot be claimed retroactively/on existing bookings. Offer is valid on Emirates Airlines marketed and operated flights only. Offer is not valid on code-share flights.
How to avail the Offer?
Cardholder will have to book the return ticket on url emirates/in Cardholders will have to use the promotion code “INSCB16” in order to avail the discount. Booking validity of the offer is for the period 22 April and 31 May 2018 (inclusive of both days). Travel validity of the offer is for the period 22 April 2018 to 31 October 2018. (inclusive of both days)
Other terms and conditions.
An instant discount will be awarded to the Cardholders at the time of making the payment as per the offer. The discount will be calculated on the base fare of the ticket amount. Offer is not applicable on taxes. Cardholders will have to make the payment with their Standard Chartered cards only to avail this offer. Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this Offer. Standard Chartered Bank holds no warranty or makes no representation about the quality of the service/s offered Emirates. Any dispute or claim regarding the Offer and the services therein must be resolved by the customers with Emirates or its sellers, directly without any reference to Standard Chartered Bank. Standard Chartered Bank shall not incur any liability towards the Cardholders in respect of the services under the Offer program. The participation in the Offer program is absolutely voluntary and any purchase on Emirates Airline platform using Standard Chartered card shall be deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned on the Airline platform. In event of cancellation, relevant ticket fare rules will apply. In event of a refund, refund will be posted on the amount charged on the card (after application of the discount). Standard Chartered Bank at its sole discretion may refuse or deny the offer to a Cardholder. The Cardholder shall become ineligible to participate in this Offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the Offer Period. Standard Chartered Bank reserves the right to disqualify any Cardholder from the benefits of the campaign / Offer, if any fraudulent activity or otherwise is identified as being carried out by him/her for the purpose of availing the benefits under the campaign/Offer or otherwise in connection with the use of the Card by the Cardholder. Any taxes or liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority or body, if any, shall be borne directly by Cardholder and/ or billed to the account of the Cardholder. This Offer may be withdrawn and/ or the Offer period extended at any time at the sole discretion of Standard Chartered Bank & Emirates Airlines. Standard Chartered Bank is not making any commitment to make such similar offers beyond the Offer period. Regular rules of carriage and fare conditions will apply. All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder Agreement between Standard Chartered Bank and the Cardholder shall continue to apply. The Offer shall be subject to usual force majeure events and on occurrence of such event, the Offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of Standard Chartered Bank. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai only. Nothing expressed or implied in the program shall in any way waive or amend any of the applicable terms and conditions on Emirates. Under no circumstance will the Offer/discount being offered under this program be settled in cash. All government levies like Sales Tax, TDS, any Local Tax, Octroi etc., shall be payable by the Cardholder as applicable at the time the respective Programs were offered. Any disputes arising out of the Offer shall be subject to arbitration by a sole Arbitrator appointed by both the Parties with mutual consultations for this purpose. The proceedings of the Arbitration shall be conducted as per the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The place of arbitration shall be at Mumbai and language of arbitration shall be English. Customers are not bound in any way to participate in the discount program. Any such participation is voluntary and the same is being made purely on a best effort basis Any such participation is voluntary and the same is being made purely on a best effort basis. Kuch Bhi on EMI terms and conditions will be applicable as published on “https://sc/in/campaign/breeze-mobile/bmw-kbe-mailer/kbe-tnc. pdf.
Uber offer on SCB credit cards.
1. What is the Offer? Under the offer all Standard Chartered Credit Card holders (“Cardholders”) who will spend a minimum of INR 15,000 on their credit card (all spends will included) in a calendar month only will be eligible to get a 20% cash back by using SCB credit card for making payment for their rides. Maximum cash back of INR 600 per card will be applicable. Additional cardholders will be able to avail of discount in addition to primary cardholders. 2. What is the offer period? Offer is valid from 01 October 2017 to 30 September 2018. 3. Which customers are eligible for the offer? Standard Chartered Debit and Credit card users will be eligible for this Offer. 4. How can a customer avail the offer? To qualify for the offer, cardholders will require to do minimum spend of INR 15,000/- Cardholder will require to make the payment for her Uber ride with a valid Standard Chartered credit to qualify for cash back Cash back will be calculated and posted into cardholders’ account within a period of 60 days of transaction date 5. How would we be informing customers about this offer? SCB shall send communication via: E-mails SMS Website Banner Social Media 6. Would failed transactions be considered? No, only those transactions that have been successfully processed would be considered. 7. Can clients combine multiple offers? Multiple Standard Chartered credit card offers at Uber cannot be combined together, unless mentioned otherwise. 8. What is the maximum number of times a customer can avail the offer? Cardholder can avail the offer multiple times. Monthly cap of INR 600/- per month per card will be applicable 9. Inclusions and Exclusions: Offer is valid on Standard Chartered Credit Card only. 10. Is Standard Chartered Bank responsible for the products offered: Standard Chartered Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the quality, merchantability, suitability or availability of the products or services included in this offer 11. Who needs to be contacted for customer complaints? All the complaints need to be captured in CEMS first by GCC Frontline officers. If the query is not resolved within 48 hours then below mentioned escalation grid to be followed for resolution: Escalation grid shameena. khan@sc Nimisha. mishra@sc rahoul. rajan@sc.
Terms and Conditions for Extra 10% Offer.
Bank: Standard Chartered Bank in India. Offer: The Offer means "Extra 10% cashback on all spends between 5th to 31st Oct" as morespecifically described in Clause 2 hereunder. Offer Period: The Offer Period shall commence from 00:01 hours on 5th Oct'16 and shall extend upto 11:59 hours on 31st Dec'16. Qualified Customer: The offer is only applicable to Standard Chartered Credit Card holders who have registered/opt-in for the offer and who meet the spends threshold described in Clause 2 hereunder.
Customer has to register/opt-in for the offer between 00:001 hours on 5th Oct'16 to 11:59 hours on 31st Oct'16. Customer can register for the offer by messaging "EXTRA" to 57575 OR by clicking on the URL given in the e-mailer sent by the bank Offer Period: The Offer Period shall commence from 00:01 hours on 5th Oct'16 and shall extend upto 11:59 hours on 31st Dec'16. Cashback will be calculated as per the below schedule:
Termos e Condições Gerais.
This is an exclusive Offer provided by Standard Chartered Bank. All details regarding the Offer are available on the bank's website (sc/in) The Bank reserves the right to modify / change all or any of the terms applicable to this Offer. The Bank also reserves the right to modify, withdraw or discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Neither anything contained in the terms and conditions set out herein nor those forming part of the e-mailers or running this Offer shall be construed as an obligation on the part of the Bank to continue the Offer up to the date of termination/expiry of the Offer. Participation in this Offer is entirely voluntary and it is agreed and understood by the Participants that participation shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis. The Offer is non-transferable. The Offer shall not be available wherever it is prohibited under law and / or cannot be made/continued for any reason whatsoever. All disputes under this Offer are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts / tribunals of Mumbai. The Bank shall not be obliged to make any public announcements of the results of the Offer. In all matters relating to this Offer, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding. By participating in the Offer, the Participants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein and those forming part of the e-mailers. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority/body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the Qualified Customer, shall be solely borne by the Qualified Customer. This Offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time at the sole discretion of Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank is not making any commitment to make such similar offers beyond the Offer period All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder agreement shall continue to apply Standard Chartered Bank reserves its absolute right at any time to add, alter, withdraw, modify or change or vary any or all the terms and conditions of the Offer at its sole discretion and the same shall be binding on the Cardholder at all times. Standard Chartered Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever to the Customers. In case of any dispute, Standard Chartered Bank's decision shall be binding on all customers The Offer shall be subject to usual force majeure events and on occurrence of such event, the Offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of Standard Chartered Bank Under no circumstance will the offer/discount being offered under this program be settled in cash All government levies like Sales Tax, TDS, any Local Tax, Octroi etc., shall be payable by the Cardholder as applicable at the time the respective Programs were offered Any disputes arising out of the Offer shall be subject to arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by both the Parties with mutual consultations for this purpose. The proceedings of the arbitration shall be conducted as per the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The place of arbitration shall be at Mumbai and language of arbitration shall be English Customers are not bound in any way to participate in the discount program Any such participation is voluntary and the same is being made purely on a best effort basis Kuch Bhi on EMI terms and conditions will be applicable as published on 'https://sc/in/campaign/breeze-mobile/bmw-kbe-mailer/kbe-tnc. pdf'
Definitions Bank: Standard Chartered Bank India. Offer: The offer means "Apply for a credit card online before 31 st March 2018 and get BookMyShow Voucher worth Rs.250 on card setup and additional Rs 250 on first transaction done within 30 days of card setup" Offer Validity: The offer period shall commence from 00:01 hours on 17 th January 2018 and shall extend up to 23:59 hours on 31 st March 2018 Qualified Client: The offer is only applicable to new credit card clients who have applied for a credit card through the online channel and the same gets approved & setup in the system Offer Details When the client applies for a new credit card through online channel (Standard Chartered Bank website or online aggregators) he/she will be entitled to receive a BMS voucher worth INR 250 when the card gets setup successfully in the system. And another Rs 250 BMS voucher on carrying out first transaction done within 30 days of card setup using his new card. Only those transactions done and successfully completed during the 30 day time period will be eligible for the offer. ATM withdrawals or payment of Annual fees will not be considered as an eligible transaction for this offer. Minimum transaction amount to be eligible for the vouchers is Rs 1000 This offer is applicable only on applying for Super Value Titanium and Manhattan credit cards No other credit card activation offers will be applicable Fulfilment of the Offer The BookMyshow e-voucher will be sent via SMS on the client’s registered mobile number within 90 days of card setup. General Terms and Conditions This is an exclusive offer provided by Standard Chartered Bank. The Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the suitability or availability of the products or services associated with the Voucher. Any dispute in this regard shall be directly taken up with BookMyShow. The Bank will not renew the voucher beyond the expiry date mentioned on the voucher. The Bank reserves the absolute right to vary, amend or withdraw any of the featured offers or amend the terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice and the same shall be binding on the client. Offers cannot be redeemed for cash or kind and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers or packages, unless otherwise indicated. In any other dispute regarding the offer, the client shall cooperate in the investigation by the Bank and shall abide by the decision of the Bank. Any dispute arising out of this offer will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai only. The offer shall not be available wherever it is prohibited under law and / or cannot be made / continued for any reason whatsoever. The tax liability, duties, levies by whatever name called in connection with the offer shall be borne by the client. The participation is voluntary and shall be deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein. The Bank holds the exclusive right at its sole discretion to refuse or deny the offer to any client. The client shall become ineligible to avail this offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the Offer Period. All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder’s agreement shall continue to apply. BookMyShow (Winpin) Voucher Standard Terms and Conditions: Winpin Voucher will only be adjusted against the ticket cost. BookMyShow Convenience Fees (if any) and/or any additional amount of transaction to be borne by the voucher user. Winpin Vouchers can be redeemed on the purchase of tickets for Movies available on BookMyShow. Winpin Vouchers can be used only once within the validity period, valid for 3 months. Tickets need to be booked minimum 2 days in advance. Winpin Vouchers can be redeemed only on BookMyShow Website/Mobile App and cannot be redeemed directly at the Cinema/Venue Box Office. Winpin Vouchers work on non-extension clause and order once confirmed cannot be Cancelled or Refunded. Winpin Vouchers are valid PAN India across all Cinemas/Partners associated with BookMyShow. If lost/misused, the Winpin Voucher cannot be replaced. Void if resold, cannot be exchanged for points or cash and cannot be re-validated once past expiry date. In addition to these BookMyShow Winpin Voucher Terms and Conditions, BookMyShow Vouchers and their use on our Website are also subject to BookMyShow's General Terms of Use and BookMyShow’s decision will be final in case of any dispute. BookMyShow Terms and Conditions Apply. TDS not applicable as per sections 194C & 194J of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is hereby agreed between the Parties that no deduction of taxes for the order shall be made since the same is a reimbursement towards purchase of ticket cost. For any assistance write to helpdesk@bookmyshow.
Definitions For the purpose of these terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions"): "Ultimate Cardholder" shall mean a customer who can avail of the Offer by virtue of holding Ultimate Credit Card. "Offer" shall mean the program where Ultimate Cardholder is eligible for a cashback of up to Rs 10,000 on the first transaction on MakeMyTrip "Eligibility Criteria" for availing the Offer is the payment by the Ultimate Cardholder of the Joining Fees of Rs. 5,000 in accordance with the Most Important Terms and Conditions. "Offer Period" shall mean a period of 3 calendar months commencing from the month of the card issuance. "Most Important Terms and Conditions" shall mean the Terms and Conditions applicable to the Ultimate Cardholder in addition to these Terms and Conditions, available on sc/in. "SCB" shall means Standard Chartered Bank. Offer Details The Offer is valid for the Ultimate Cardholders who fulfil the Eligibility Criteria. The Offer is not applicable for supplementary cardholders This Offer is valid only for the first transaction during the Offer Period. The cashback amount will be the transaction amount or Rs 10,000 whichever is lower." The Ultimate Cardholder will be eligible for a cashback of up to Rs 10,000 only on the first transaction on MakeMyTrip. The booking can be made on website, mobile site, android & iOS app only. The Ultimate Cardholder should transact within the Offer Period. The cashback amount will be credited to the Ultimate Cardholder’s card account within 60 days from the date of travel/stay. In case of full/partial cancellation of the booking the Offer will become void and the Ultimate Cardholder will not be eligible for the cashback amount. In case of hotel booking the Offer is valid only for a period of 1 year from the date of booking. This Offer is not valid on bus, railways and cabs. If the Ultimate Cardholder does not receive the cashback amount within the aforementioned period, he/she can claim the same within 30 days. In the event the Ultimate Cardholder fails to claim the cashback amount within 30 days, the Offer will lapse and the Ultimate Cardholder will not be able to claim it thereafter. SCB shall not be liable/responsible for any actions, claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, charges or expenses, which an Ultimate Cardholder may incur, in normal course of credit card usage; SCB expressly reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice and without assigning any reasons to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or in part or withdraw altogether the Offer or any other reward point that SCB may introduce from time to time; The Offer is non-transferable and non-encashable; The Offer may not be available wherever prohibited and / or on merchandise / products / services for which such Offer cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever; In all matters relating to the Offer, the decision of SCB shall be final and binding in all respects; The Terms and Conditions shall be in addition to and not in substitution to the Most Important Terms and Conditions. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to it in the terms and conditions applicable to the Master Terms and Conditions; All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts/tribunals of Mumbai; In addition to the above, additional terms & conditions as may be specified by MakeMyTrip may be applicable. Please visit MakeMyTrip for the same.
Termos & amp; conditions on Duty Free Cashback.
Max cashback of INR 1000 per month The cash-back will be credited to the Cardholder card account within 60 days of transaction date Cash-back transactions will not earn reward points. Only transactions where the merchant is registered as a duty free vendor will be considered for cash back.
Termos & amp; Conditions on Priority Pass.
Your Ultimate credit card offers you complimentary membership to Priority Pass, which gives you access to over 1000 domestic and international airports across the globe. The usage of the lounges will be charged at US$ 27 per visit per visitor. Please log on to prioritypass for details of the participating lounges.
Golf Programme - Terms and Conditions of the bookings.
This benefit is offered to Ultimate credit cardholders through Golflan Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd the bookings shall be processed through Golflan Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd. Complimentary golf bookings are required to be made through Ultimate Concierge Services. Standard Chartered Bank is not involved in organizing the bookings at the golf courses, and has no ties ups with Golf courses. Club rules, if any, will apply to the golf sessions and Ultimate credit cardholders should adhere to the same including but not limited to dress code, rules of play, producing valid handicap certificate..
2 complimentary Golf games per month, per valid Cardholder. This benefit is non-transferrable. The 2 complimentary golf games are only valid at domestic golf courses listed in Annexure 1 1 complimentary guest game per month, per valid Cardholder. The 1 complimentary guest game is only valid at domestic golf courses listed in Annexure 1. 1 Complimentary coaching session per month for the Cardholder. The 1 complimentary coaching session is only valid at domestic golf courses listed in Annexure 1. After the complimentary rounds are exhausted the Cardholder needs to make the payment for the golf services availed. SCB will not be liable for any such bills. The Cardholder must pay green fee, convenience charges and other charges by using the Standard Chartered Bank credit card only. List of 19 premium domestic golf courses across India – Annexure 1 List of 15 premium coaching facilities across India - Annexure 1 Over 150 Golf courses across the world - Annexure 1. Cardholders will have to pay convenience charges and other charges as may be applicable even for the complimentary games. The Cardholder must pay convenience charges and other charges by using the Standard Chartered Bank Ultimate credit card only. The duration of each golf lesson (coaching session) will span a minimum of 30 minutes and will include: Fees to access the golf course or driving range, Fee for the lesson, Cost of instructor's fees, Range golf balls at 50 golf balls per lesson Learning equipment The booking needs to be made only through the Ultimate Concierge No walk-ins or direct payment to golf clubs are allowed in this program. Golf clubs will not entertain any correspondence /enquiries for booking directly from Cardholders and Cardholders may not receive any response directly from golf clubs Acceptance of requests for bookings for golf lessons and golf games are subject to availability and will be accepted at the discretion of the golf clubs / golf instructors. Bookings will be accepted only if made 7 days in advance, this does not include the date of play and date of placing the request. In case of Cardholder placing a request at a short notice (less than 7 days in advance), booking will be processed on best effort basis. Cancellations will be accepted only if done 2 days prior to the booked time of play. This does not include date of play and date of placing the request. In the event of four Cardholders placing a request for a complimentary slot for the same course and the same date (to play together as a four ball), a maximum of two complimentary slots will be allotted. All 4 shall be booked only on best effort basis. Cardholders may bring guest(s) subject to a maximum of three guests per booking, which is subject to availability & the cardholder would be required to pay the guest fees in advance using the SCB card. It is clarified that there is only one complimentary guest game per month available. The Cardholder will have to pay for other guests at the rates that may be prescribed by GolfLan from time to time. The guest booking will only be processed if he/she is accompanied by the SCB Cardholder. The golf courses/ coaching facilities listed in Annexure 1 are subject to change from time to time. The Cardholder must refer to the updated list of golf courses available with the Concierge.
Annexure 1: List of Golf Courses.
Locations of golf courses – Domestic.
International golf course location.
Location of golf coaching facilities.
Definitions Bank: Standard Chartered Bank India. Offer: The offer means "Apply for a credit card online before 31 st March 2018 and get BookMyShow Voucher worth Rs.250 on card setup" Offer Validity: The offer period shall commence from 00:01 hours on 13 th November 2017 and shall extend up to 23:59 hours on 31 st March 2018 Qualified Client: The offer is only applicable to new credit card clients who have applied for a credit card through the online channel and the same gets approved & setup in the system Offer Details When the client applies for a new credit card through online channel (Standard Chartered Bank website or online aggregators) he/she will be entitled to receive a BMS voucher worth INR 250 when the card gets setup successfully in the system. This offer is applicable only on applying for Platinum credit cards Fulfilment of the Offer The BookMyshow e-voucher will be sent via SMS on the client’s registered mobile number within 60 days of card setup. General Terms and Conditions This is an exclusive offer provided by Standard Chartered Bank. The Bank does not make any warranties or representation of the suitability or availability of the products or services associated with the Voucher. Any dispute in this regard shall be directly taken up with BookMyShow. The Bank will not renew the voucher beyond the expiry date mentioned on the voucher. The Bank reserves the absolute right to vary, amend or withdraw any of the featured offers or amend the terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice and the same shall be binding on the client. Offers cannot be redeemed for cash or kind and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers or packages, unless otherwise indicated. In any other dispute regarding the offer, the client shall cooperate in the investigation by the Bank and shall abide by the decision of the Bank. Any dispute arising out of this offer will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai only. The offer shall not be available wherever it is prohibited under law and / or cannot be made / continued for any reason whatsoever. The tax liability, duties, levies by whatever name called in connection with the offer shall be borne by the client. The participation is voluntary and shall be deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein. The Bank holds the exclusive right at its sole discretion to refuse or deny the offer to any client. The client shall become ineligible to avail this offer if his/her card is cancelled before the expiry of /during the Offer Period. All other terms and conditions of the Cardholder’s agreement shall continue to apply. BookMyShow (Winpin) Voucher Standard Terms and Conditions: Winpin Voucher will only be adjusted against the ticket cost. BookMyShow Convenience Fees (if any) and/or any additional amount of transaction to be borne by the voucher user. Winpin Vouchers can be redeemed on the purchase of tickets for Movies available on BookMyShow. Winpin Vouchers can be used only once within the validity period, valid for 3 months. Tickets need to be booked minimum 2 days in advance. Winpin Vouchers can be redeemed only on BookMyShow Website/Mobile App and cannot be redeemed directly at the Cinema/Venue Box Office. Winpin Vouchers work on non-extension clause and order once confirmed cannot be Cancelled or Refunded. Winpin Vouchers are valid PAN India across all Cinemas/Partners associated with BookMyShow. If lost/misused, the Winpin Voucher cannot be replaced. Void if resold, cannot be exchanged for points or cash and cannot be re-validated once past expiry date. In addition to these BookMyShow Winpin Voucher Terms and Conditions, BookMyShow Vouchers and their use on our Website are also subject to BookMyShow's General Terms of Use and BookMyShow’s decision will be final in case of any dispute. BookMyShow Terms and Conditions Apply. TDS not applicable as per sections 194C & 194J of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is hereby agreed between the Parties that no deduction of taxes for the order shall be made since the same is a reimbursement towards purchase of ticket cost. For any assistance write to helpdesk@bookmyshow.
Terms and Conditions for Jabong Cash back Offer.
Definitions Bank: Standard Chartered Bank India. Offer: The Offer means Cash back of 10% on a minimum purchase of INR 2500: maximum Cash back applicable will be INR 500 across your Standard Chartered Debit and credit card. Offer Validity: Offer valid on all Thursdays from 26 th October 2017 till 29 th March 2018 Qualified Client: The offer is applicable to all Standard Chartered credit/debit card clients Non Eligibility: NRE account holders will not be eligible for the cash back Offer Details Customer has to transact using his/her Standard Chartered Credit/Debit Card at the Jabong Website/Mobile App Under the offer all Standard Chartered Credit & Debit Card holders ("Cardholders") can avail Cash back of 10% on a minimum purchase of INR 2,500: maximum Cash back INR 500. The offer would only be valid on Thursday’s commencing from 00:01 hours on 26th October 2017 and shall extend upto 11:59 hours on 29th March 2018 This offer is available only for Standard Chartered Bank Debit & Credit card holders. How to avail the offer Purchase needs to be made on Jabong website or Jabong Mobile App Shopping cart value needs to be higher than INR 2,500 to be eligible for the offer The maximum Cash back per card holder would be INR 500 This Offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer/promotion of Standard Chartered Bank Cash back would get posted within 60 days from the end of the offer period Communication of the Offer The Offer will be communicated to customers through - emailers and/or SMS on their registered email address or mobile number only General Terms and Conditions This is an exclusive Offer provided by Standard Chartered Bank. All details regarding the Offer are available on the Bank's website (sc/in) The Bank reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the terms applicable to this Offer. The Bank also reserves the right to modify, withdraw or discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Neither anything contained in these terms and conditions, nor shall running this Offer be construed as an obligation on the Bank to continue the Offer up to the termination/expiry date Participation in this Offer is entirely voluntary and it is agreed and understood by the Participants that participation shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis The Offer is non-transferable The Offer shall not be available wherever it is prohibited under law and/or cannot be made for any reason whatsoever All disputes under this Offer are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts/tribunals of Mumbai The Bank shall not be obliged to make any public announcements of the results of the Offer. The Qualified Customers shall be intimated by the Bank through Email only In all matters relating to this Offer, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding By participating in the Offer, the Participants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority/body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the client due to provision of the offer, shall be to the sole account of the client.
Terms and Conditions for Croma Cash back Offer.
Definitions Bank: Standard Chartered Bank in India. Offer: Offer means all Standard Chartered Bank Credit & Debit Card holders are eligible for a 5% Cash back not exceeding Rs. 2500 on minimum purchase of INR 20,000/- across Croma stores and/or on the website Croma. Offer Period: Cash back offer valid on all Tuesday's from 5 th September 2017 till 26 th December 2017 Qualified Customer: The offer is applicable to all Standard Chartered Bank credit/debit cardholders. Non Eligibility: NRE account holders will not be eligible to avail the said Offer. Offer Details Qualified Customer has to transact using his/her Standard Chartered Bank Credit/Debit Card at the Croma stores or on the website Croma. Minimum transaction value to qualify for the cash back would be INR 20,000/-. Maximum cash back per customer would be INR 2500/- during the offer period. This offer is available only for Standard Chartered Bank Debit & Credit card holders. How to avail the offer Purchase needs to be made at Croma stores or Croma Website Purchase value needs to be equal to or more than INR 20,000/- to be eligible for the offer Offer is valid for transactions done only on Tuesdays between 5 th September 2017 till 26 th December 2017 Cash back will be posted to customer's accounts within 60 days of end of the offer period. Communication of the Offer The Offer will be communicated to customers through - emailers and/or SMS on their registered email address and/or mobile number only. General Terms and Conditions This is an exclusive Offer provided by Standard Chartered Bank. All details regarding the Offer are available on the Bank's website (sc/in) The Bank reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the terms applicable to this Offer. The Bank also reserves the right to modify, withdraw or discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Neither anything contained in these terms and conditions, nor shall running this Offer be construed as an obligation on the Bank to continue the Offer up to the termination/expiry date. Participation in this Offer is entirely voluntary and it is agreed and understood by the Participants that participation shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis. The Offer is non-transferable. The Offer shall not be available wherever it is prohibited under law and/or cannot be made for any reason whatsoever. The Bank shall not be obliged to make any public announcements of the results of the Offer. The Qualified Customers shall be intimated by the Bank through Email only. In all matters relating to this Offer, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding. By participating in the Offer, the Participants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority/body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the client due to provision of the offer, shall be to the sole account of the client. All disputes under this Offer are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts/ tribunals of Mumbai.
Terms and Conditions for Grofers Instant Discount offer.
Definitions Bank: Standard Chartered Bank in India. Offer: Offer means, "all Standard Chartered Bank Credit & Debit Card holders are eligible for an instant discount on Grofers mobile application and website grofers ("Cardholders") basis the following: Instant Discount of INR 250 on first card transaction valuing minimum of INR 1,500 on Grofers mobile app and Grofers website Instant Discount of `200 on minimum purchase of INR 2,000 on Grofers for repeat transaction Each card holder would be entitled to 2 repeat transactions during a given weekend through out the offer period Offer Period: Offer valid only on Saturday's and Sunday's from 9 th June 2017 till 31 st March 2018 Discount Code Applicable to avail the offer would be SCB250 for first time card transaction and SCB200 for repeat user Qualified Customer: Offer can be availed only by customers using Standard Chartered Bank credit/debit card. Offer Details Customer has to transact using his/her Standard Chartered Bank Credit/Debit Card at the Grofers Website/ Mobile App Minimum transaction size to qualify for the first user would be INR 1500 and for repeat transaction would be INR 2,000 This offer is available only for Standard Chartered Bank Debit & Credit card holders Discount applicable for First user is INR 250 and for repeat user is INR 200 How to avail the offer Purchase needs to be made on Grofers website grofers or Grofers Mobile Application To be eligible for the instant discount, transaction needs to be carried out between 00:01 hours & 11:59 hours on all Saturdays and Sundays from 9 th June 2017 onwards till 31 st March 2018 unless extended by Standard Chartered Bank Cardholder's needs to incorporate the applicable discount code The eligible amount will be instantly deducted from the total amount payable Valid for transactions done on all Saturdays and Sundays only between 9 th June 2017 to 31 st March 2018 Communication of the Offer The offer will be communicated to customers through - emailers and/or SMS on their registered email address or mobile number only General Terms and Conditions This is an exclusive Offer provided by Standard Chartered Bank. All details regarding the Offer are available on the Bank's website (sc/in) The Bank reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the terms applicable to this Offer. The Bank also reserves the right to modify, withdraw or discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Neither anything contained in these terms and conditions, nor shall running this Offer be construed as an obligation on the Bank to continue the Offer up to the termination/expiry date. Participation in this Offer is entirely voluntary and it is agreed and understood by the Participants that participation shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis. The Offer is non-transferable. The Offer shall not be available wherever it is prohibited under law and/or cannot be made for any reason whatsoever. The Bank shall not be obliged to make any public announcements of the results of the Offer. The Qualified Customers shall be intimated by the Bank through Email only. In all matters relating to this Offer, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding. By participating in the Offer, the Participants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority/body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the client due to provision of the offer, shall be to the sole account of the client. All disputes under this Offer are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts/ tribunals of Mumbai.
Terms and Conditions for Snapdeal Saturday Campaign Offer.

StanChart in sanctions trap . . . Moves to stop USD cross border transactions.
Happiness Zengeni and Tinashe Makichi.
Standard Chartered Bank Zimbabwe will with effect from August 31 2018 cease to process all United States Dollar cross border transactions after the bank’s vendor in New York, US, changed its service terms in a move that is believed to be part of the sanctions that are currently hitting Zimbabwe.
The country is specified by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control.
Sources say the move will effectively close accounts linked to high risk and politically exposed clients. According to an internal memo seen by The Herald Business, with effect from this month end, StanChart will no longer process US dollar cross border payments including but not limited to outward telegraphic transfers, letters of credit and cheque transactions.
This, however, will not impact on customers’ ability to transact in any other major currencies including the British pound, South African rand and the Euro.
The Herald Business is reliably informed that in order to effect the changes, the bank, which was the first bank to open its doors in the country pre-independence, has classified account holders into different categories with those with political links now falling under high risk and likely to be affected by the move.
The move will also affect account holders who have offshore loans committed at the bank. According to a Frequently Asked Questions sheet which the bank circulated with the memo, the bank says it would not be able to facilitate the future settlement of any loans.
“We regret to advise that we will not be able to facilitate the future settlement of this loan. In this regard, the notice we have given you is meant to allow you to make the necessary amendments to the loan arrangements so that you are not in default of both the loans and the Exchange Control requirements.”
The bank, however, adds that the RBZ Exchange Control approval remains valid and is transferable to another bank.
StanChart head of corporate affairs Lillian Hapanyengwi confirmed the new plan last Friday in emailed responses saying this was a result of internal policy and as part of compliance with international regulatory environment.
“The Standard Chartered Group is committed to achieving the highest standards of compliance and controls and is implementing enhancements in our controls in Zimbabwe to ensure that we can support our clients and customers as they transact internationally.
“A small number of Standard Chartered Zimbabwe customers may from September experience difficulties in making US dollar cross border payments as a result of restrictions imposed by our US Correspondent, Standard Chartered Bank’s New York branch, with whom we will work to minimise customer impact.
“Clearly we are concerned about customer impact and have sought to minimise this. We are communicating actively with impacted clients and will work with them to minimise the disruption to their business wherever possible.
“These restrictions are not intended to be permanent but will continue until we have improved our client due diligence and AML processes in Standard Chartered Zimbabwe to meet global standards. Once properly implemented, the enhancements being made by Standard Chartered Bank Zimbabwe will support a return to normal.
“The restrictions do not affect our customers’ ability to transact domestically in Zimbabwe in US dollars, nor to make cross-border payments in other currencies. Customers will also continue to be able to use their International VISA debit card outside of Zimbabwe.”
It is alleged that communication to account holders has been done verbally and no official communication was done in writing.
The move will also affect those who use international visa cards, those with stop orders on foreign accounts. Sources say the move is part of a broader plan of divesting out of Zimbabwe. The bank denies that the restrictions are about sanctions but about improving the control environment.
The bank said the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe had been advised and is aware of the move.
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Você usou seu cartão de débito / crédito no exterior? Então você precisa saber seus encargos!
Você viaja para o exterior frequentemente? Ou você pretende fazer isso em um futuro próximo? Sempre que você está pensando em viajar para o exterior, você precisa ler isso ou então estar preparado para se sentir roubado pelo seu banco por causa das taxas e tarifas ocultas.
Você gosta de queimar seu próprio dinheiro duro? Não? Em seguida, compre BookMyForex & # 8217; s Forex Card e aproveite as economias.
Sempre que você compra algo no exterior (ou em casa) com seu cartão de débito / crédito, estão envolvidas quatro partes: Você, seu banco, o varejista / comerciante, você comprou suas coisas e seu banco. Os dois bancos executam uma série de etapas para garantir que seu pagamento seja processado e transferido de forma segura, e ele atinja o revendedor prontamente. Quando seu banco envia seu pagamento ao banco do varejista (conhecido como banco adquirente), uma pequena taxa é retida. Isso é chamado de taxa de intercâmbio. Da mesma forma, quando o banco do revendedor envia o pagamento ao revendedor, ele deduz uma pequena taxa & # 8211; isso é chamado de taxa do serviço do comerciante e incorpora uma série de taxas de componentes, como a taxa de intercâmbio, os custos para cobrir os serviços prestados pelo banco. Essa taxa é negociada diretamente entre o varejista e seu banco. Todas essas cobranças são transferidas para o cliente que é & # 8220; You & # 8221 ;. Você acaba pagando extra por suas compras ou os serviços.
Abaixo temos listados os encargos e taxas ocultas cobradas por alguns dos principais bancos da Índia e outros varejistas de divisas.
Existem basicamente três tipos de encargos envolvidos:
1. Taxa de conversão de moeda estrangeira & # 8211; A taxa que a Visa e a Mastercard cobram porque o seu cartão é indiano eo saldo do seu cartão reflete na moeda indiana e quando você o usa no exterior, você paga na moeda do país em que você está. A conversão acontece do INR para essa moeda e Visa e MasterCard cobram automaticamente uma taxa de 1-2% na troca de moeda estrangeira e qualquer coisa em excesso é geralmente uma pequena margem de lucro para o banco.
2. Taxa de transação externa - Cobrar que o seu fornecedor de débito / cartão de crédito coloca em você para realizar uma transação em moeda estrangeira. Seu cartão de débito / cartão de crédito foi projetado para funcionar apenas na moeda do país em que foi emitido ou no país, mas quando você vai no exterior e usa o cartão para comprar ou retirar dinheiro, seu banco irá cobrar por essa transação no exterior que faz acima de 2,5 -3,5% do valor total da transação.
3. Pagamento antecipado de dinheiro / retirada e # 8211; Retirar dinheiro usando seu cartão de crédito vem com uma taxa chamada taxa de adiantamento de dinheiro, independentemente de você usou o cartão na Índia ou no exterior. A taxa, no entanto, é maior quando você usa seu cartão no exterior. E quando você tira dinheiro de caixas eletrônicos no exterior usando seu cartão de débito, você terá que pagar uma taxa de retirada. Esta é a taxa que seu banco concorda em pagar ao banco cujo caixa eletrônico você usou para retirar dinheiro, pois eles permitiram o uso de seus caixas eletrônicos. Você pode incorrer em uma taxa adicional de 1-4% toda vez que você realiza uma retirada de dinheiro no exterior.
Cartões de débito e seus encargos:
2 USD depois disso.
2 USD depois disso.
Nota: Taxa de conversão de moeda estrangeira: também será cobrada uma taxa de conversão em moeda estrangeira. Visa e MasterCard cobram automaticamente uma taxa de 1-2% na troca de moeda estrangeira e qualquer coisa em excesso é geralmente uma pequena margem de lucro para o banco. Taxas de conversão de moeda estrangeira estão disponíveis em sites VISA e MasterCard e é atualizado regularmente.
Todas as cobranças estão na sua frente. Tudo o que você deve decidir é se sentir como ser roubado sempre que usa o cartão de débito / crédito do seu banco no exterior ou economize dinheiro comprando um cartão de viagem pré-pago BookMyForex.
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